
If you want to found a fan club, you have to do the following four things:

  • read the code of conduct and agree to it
  • you need at least 5 people
  • send the profile below to the appropriate regional representative
  • transfer the season fee to the Fanladen

Above all, it is important to have an up-to-date e-mail address so that we can keep you up to date with current information from Hamburg and also your region.

The appropriate regional representative is of course also helpful if someone does not want to found a new fan club, but is looking for an existing fan club that he would like to join. In this case, please look for the responsible regional representative here and write him or her an e-mail.

Please understand that we can’t always answer you directly and that it can sometimes take a while.

Fan club name(mandatory)
Contact person(mandatory)
E-mail address(mandatory)
Number of members(mandatory)
Zip code(mandatory)